
How to use the dental suction unit to make patients feel more comfortable?

The following dental suction techniques ensure a safe and comfortable procedure for the patient: 1. Talk to the patient about the procedure before beginning, especially if the patient suffers from dental anxiety. 2. For routine dental procedures, discuss the treatment plan with the dentist before beginning. This is doubly important if the dentist will be treating several areas of the mouth because you and the dentist will have to work around one another. 3. Position dental suction unit so that it does not suction oral tissue such as the gums or tongue. 4. Avoid obstructing the dentist’s mirror or line of sight. Do not touch any of the dentist’s equipment with the suction tip. This may require frequent changes of position. 5. Do not directly suction the middle of the patient’s throat, because this can cause pain, choking, and gagging. 6. Monitor for broken teeth, damaged equipment, and any other risk factors for choking and aspiration. Promptly responding to an unexpected

Why connection is the most important elements should be take into account when you choosing the dental turbine?

Dental turbine units are one of the instruments of dental appliances most used in dentistry. Turbines have multiple uses, as they can be used to remove cavities, perform tooth grinding to prepare crowns and cavities, or polish leftover composite. One of the most important elements to take into account when choosing our dental turbine is its connection , as this will depend on whether our turbine is compatible with the dental chair we have. In terms of dental turbine connections , we can differentiate two main families: 1. Turbines with direct hose connection: Every time we want to connect them to the hose we must screw and unscrew. Turbines with direct hose connection are connected directly to the dental chair hose. They have the advantage that they are cheaper and do not need to have a coupling or connection. 2. Quick connection turbines: They have an adapter that allows us to connect and disconnect the turbine quickly and conveniently. The modern turbines from the main ma

What is dental agar gel mixer used for?

Dental agar gel mixer is used for melting and mixing duplicating gel in dental laboratories. It is developed with the assistance of spanish engineer, it has some of the most advanced features. The water heating system allows homogeneous heating and avoids burning thanks to the large contacting surface between the water and the tank. It has excellent warm keeping efficiency at lower temperatures owing to the high thermal capacity of water. And the self-adapting mixing blades enable the duplicating gel to be mixed more thoroughly and efficiently. The new outlet design allows duplicating gel to poured more smoothly. This machine is used for melting and mixing duplicating gel in dental laboratories. This Duplicating Machine's tank is made of stainless steel, which is corrosion resistant, and does not affect the duplicating gel. It features high and low heating modes, optional heating power according to the amount of duplicating gel. Easy operations thanks to automatic programs a

At what age do people have wisdom teeth?

When you get to be about 17 or 18 years old, you notice that your teeth seem to be more sensitive than they have in the past. You might have some pain while chewing or you might notice some swelling around your jaw. You wonder what is going on. Surprise! Your teeth were not finished growing in. Your third set of molars is pushing its way into the back of your mouth. But why in the heck does anyone need three sets of molars? That is a very good question! Your mouth seemed pretty full with 28 teeth, didn’t it? Simply put, there is usually not enough room for another four teeth in your mouth. If your wisdom teeth are growing in sideways, they are also pushing at the other teeth in front of them and you will most likely require wisdom teeth removal. This crowding can not only cause your teeth to shift (there goes all of the orthodontic work you had done), but wisdom teeth can also rub up against the root of the molars next to them, which could cause other problems. Partially erupted

What causes cavities? And how to prevent cavities ?

What causes cavities? Dental cavities, or caries, are tiny holes in the hard surface of the teeth. They are caused by bacteria on the surface of teeth creating acid out of sugar. The most common culprit is a bacterium known as Streptococcus mutans. The bacteria form a sticky film known as plaque. The acids in plaque remove minerals from (demineralize) your enamel — a coating of the teeth made mostly of calcium and phosphate. This erosion causes tiny holes in the enamel. Once the acid damage spreads into the dentin layer underneath the enamel, a cavity forms. How to prevent cavities? 1. Sugar-free gum Sugar-free gum containing a compound called casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) has been shown to reduce S. mutans even more than xylitol-containing chewing gum. You can find this type of gum in stores. 2. Vitamin D Vitamin D is important to help absorb calcium and phosphate from the food you eat. Studies show an inverse relationship between eating f

What convenience can a good dental chair bring to dental treatment?

With an aging population and more and more people undergoing more and more (aesthetic) dental treatments, the comfort of patients and dental staff is becoming more and more important in the dental clinic. As the problem of work-related pain and injuries among dentists is very important, many manufacturers are focusing on ergonomic features of patient chairs. And if a dental chair has led lights , it will also make a big difference. So what does a good dental chair do to facilitate treatment? For the dentist: We often observe dentists having difficulty gaining close proximity to the oral cavity while maintaining neutral posture. If the patient chair does not allow close operator positioning, the dentist is forced to either reach excessively forward with the entire arm or bend the trunk forward. Both place the operator at risk for injury. For the patient: Well, first of all, being able to sit in a “normal” chair, relaxes the patients with fear of the dentist. It allows the pati


「乳歯がむし歯になって歯に穴があいたり、歯が抜けてしまったりすると、その両側の歯がすき間を埋めるように詰め寄り、右の奥歯から左の奥歯までの歯の幅の総和が少し縮まります。すると、あご全体も少し小さくなります。永久歯への生え替わりの際、狭くなった場所に永久歯が生えてこようとするので、歯並びが悪くなってしまうことがあります」。 永久歯が生えるときに、あごが小さいと歯並びが悪くなってしまうのだそうです。むし歯にならないように、日ごろからどのようなケアを心がけるべきでしょうか。 「むし歯予防というと、まず歯磨きと考える人が多いと思いますが、歯磨き(フッ素を用いない場合)をしたグループと歯磨きをしなかったグループでむし歯の発生状況にほとんど差がないことがわかっています。一方、フッ素を用いることでむし歯予防ができることが証明されています。むし歯予防の観点からいうと、歯磨きで大事なのはバイ菌を取り除くことよりも、歯磨き剤に含まれるフッ素を歯に塗ることに意味があるのです(※大人の歯周病予防の観点からは、歯磨きによるバイ菌の除去が必要です)。歯医者さんでフッ素塗布をしてもらうのも有効です」。 子どものころから、歯磨きでむし歯予防するようにと教えられてきた人も多いでしょう。歯磨きの効果がそれほどでもないということであれば、むし歯予防のために、フッ素塗布以外にどんなことをすればいいのでしょうか? ( 超音波スケーラー ) 「食べ方のコントロールです。食べ物が口に入ると、細菌が食べ物(特に糖分)を分解して酸を出します。その酸によってむし歯が進行するのですが、酸を中性にしてくれるのが唾液です。唾液には歯のエナメル質の修復作用もあります。むし歯のリスクを下げるには、『ダラダラ食べ』や『ちょい食べ』をやめて、口の中が酸性状態である時間を短くすることが大事。でも、痩せるためのダイエットも食べ方のコントロールで皆さんが苦労しているように、実はこれが一番難しいことなんです」。( LY® C240C 3in1歯科用光重合器-虫歯探知|光測定機能付き ) 生活習慣をいきなり変えることは難しいので、少しずつ、簡単なことから見直してみてはどうでしょう。たとえば、おふろ上がりのジュース。堀口先生によると、寝る直前にジュースを飲ませるのは避けたほうがいいとのこと。寝ているときは唾液がほとんど